>>Om svalor och smältvatten<< is out now. An album dealing with nature and it’s impact on human identity. Celebrating the melancholy and deepness of scandinavian folk music. Have a moment of peace, close your eyes and let us take you to the forests and lakes of the north. We hope you'll enjoy. It took a lot of people to create this music.Our thanks go out to Fattoria Musica records for releasing our album. Also huge thanks to WEKO Informatik www.weko.de for the great support.

Review of Om svalor och smältvatten:

"The melancholy of the north in counterpoint with a unique acoustic sound, creating images of exotic places all blended with good taste, well written, sung and played and pure joy to just listen to."  -Wolf Kerschek

order under - mail@nordsnoensemble.com

Im Jahr 2016 durften wir beim conditura records Label unsere Debut-CD veröffentlichen. Die Musik auf dieser CD spiegelt die besondere Schönheit und Stimmung der Winterzeit wieder. Perfekt als Geschenk oder für das eigene CD Regal.

Ihr könnt die CD im Handel kaufen oder bei einem unserer Konzerte im November/Dezember.

Damit ihr wisst, was euch erwartet, besucht unseren YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/nordsnoensemble

Our new record >>Om svalor och smältvatten<< will be released November 28th. You can order your copy now!!! Write a mail to mail@nordsnoensemble.com to preorder your CD or vinyl.

Our single >>Snörporten III<< is now avaidable on Spotify. Be sure to check it out now.